Theme: One of a Kind
Important Dates: 9/10 Walk-a-Thon Packets Due, 9/14 Book Orders Due, 9/16 Walk-a-Thon, 9/17 Vision Screening, 10/1 September Reading Packets Due
Peek at Next Week:
Tuesday: Identifying: Morning, Afternoon, First, Last, Between, Middle, Second, and Third; Art
Wednesday: Identifying a Triangle, the Number of Sides and Angles of a Triangle, Sorting by One Attribute; Early Out (dismiss at 1:30)
Thursday: Making a Shape on a Geoboard; P.E.
Friday: Acting Out and Drawing Pictures for Some, Some More and Some, Some Went Away Stories; Math Test; Computers; Spelling Test; Library
Spelling Words: the, not, you, do, want
Our annual Walk-a-Thon is coming up. The PTA has prepared packets for each child. This is a great way to raise money for our school. The PTA is working hard to get some new technology into the classrooms. Please support this effort is possible.
The PTA also collects the "Box Tops for Education." Send them with your child; we have a jar in our classroom to collect them in.
Lin's also donates money to the school based on the amount of Lin's receipts that are turned in. Write your child's name on the back, and turn it in to the office. Each week the office draws from that box for prizes.
Reading calendars for September are now in your child's homework folder. Each child needs to read for 400 minutes a month. That is only 20 minutes a night, 5 days a week.