Theme: Weather & Symbols
Important Dates: 1/31 100th Day of School; 2/1 January Reading Calendar Due; 2/9 School Reading Incentive Party; 2/10 Domino's Pizza Fundraiser; 2/18 Kid's College; 2/21 NO SCHOOL
Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Hundredth Day of School; P.E.
Tuesday: Identifying and Making Congruent Shapes; Art
Wednesday: Counting Large Collections, Grouping by 10's; Early Out
Thursday: Using Concrete and Pictorial Models to Represent Two Digit Numbers, Identifying the Place Value of Digits in a Two Digit Number; Fact Test; P.E.
Friday: Math Test; Trading Dimes and Pennies; Spelling Test; Library; Computers; Spirit Day
Spelling Words:
drink, far, walk, could, take, has, laugh, of
*bonus word
Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes. Each month needs to have a total of 400 minutes. Students also need to keep reading each night regardless of when in the month the goal is met.
On Monday I will be sending home a note concerning our Valentine's Day celebrations. Please watch for it.
Many students did NOT return their 100's Day bag. Please send it on Monday.
There are still students coming to school not dressed appropriately for the weather. PLEASE send your child with a COAT. Mr. Whittier likes for the students to be outside for recess if at all possible, even when it is cold outside. They need the break with the fresh air and sunshine! It helps them be ready to learn. If they are cold because they don't have a coat, they are miserable.