Theme: Sun and Moon
Important Dates: 3/15 Spring Picture Day; 3/18 End of 3rd Quarter; 4/4 March Reading Calendars Due; 4/20-4/22 Spring Break NO SCHOOL
Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Addition Facts: Adding 9; P.E.
Tuesday: Identifying One Half, One Third and One Sixth; Art
Wednesday: Using Comparison Symbols (<,>,=); Early Out
Thursday: Dividing a Set of Objects by Sharing; P.E.
Friday: Identifying Cup, Quart, Gallon, and Liter Containers; Math Homework; Spelling Test; Spelling Packets Due; Library; Spirit Day
Spelling Words:
best, long, off, over, small, were, sit, together
*bonus word
The "Moon Book" has started to go home with our students. The book just arrived. It will start coming home on Monday, please read it with your child.
I would like to do a shadow project on Wednesday (3/16) at 11:15, but I need some additional 3-4 adults to help. If you can help, please let me know as soon as possible.
I am going to start changing the look of the blog. Hopefully it will be easier for me to keep it going.