Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

DIBELs testing went well. I will discuss your child's score with you at SEP conferences next week. PLEASE make sure to return the SEP note back to school tomorrow, so I can make adjustments to the schedule if necessary. If you have another child attending our school, the appointments have been made back to back (hopefully) so you don't have to spend too much time at the school. Also, please leave small children at home if possible and have older siblings wait outside. They are a distraction and takes away from your first graders conference.

This week we will be learning about the different seasons and why we have them.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Another change in the schedule, our DIBELs testing has been moved to FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. Please make sure your child is on time to school that day. We use the information from the DIBELs test to help place your child in an appropriate reading group.

This week we started the new Daily 5, Read to Someone. The kids loved it. We will continue to practice it more next week and continue our weather unit.

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks!

We certainly had a good day!
Our walking neighborhood scavenger hunt field trip.

First attempt at Read to Someone, everyone is reading to a friend.

Working in our Daily Books.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 10, 2012

This past week was a great week. We learned that Cedar City is not a rural community. The kids also started Word Work for Daily 5 and are loving it. I hope to introduce Read to Someone this week (this is really a favorite of the kids!) This week in science we will be starting our Weather unit.

I learned that for some reason, pictures are not uploading through the school's internet system. I meant to load the pictures I took last week and the week before at home, but in my hurry after school on Friday I left the camera at school. :( I hope to get those posted sometime this week.

Please make sure that your child is practicing both their spelling words and correctly writing the sentence each night along with their math and 20 minutes of reading.

Due to a technical glitch, our DIBELs testing has been pushed back a week. Our new date is Monday, September 17. Please make sure to have your child to school that day. We use this information to help place your child in an appropriate reading group that best suits their needs.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4

Last week was a great week. Our first math test went well, and the kids are building stamina for both Read to Self and Work on Writing. They can read for about 15 minutes, and write for almost 10. WOW!

This week they will learn about neighborhoods that are different than ours. They will also start Word Work for Daily 5.

Please don't forget to call the office to excuse your child if they are home sick (586-2860) Thanks!

I had some pictures to share, but for some reason blogger isn't cooperating. Sorry.