Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 10, 2012

What a fun week to get in the holiday spirit! From the reports from the kids, shopping at Santa's Secret Shoppe was a success. I also enjoyed the Choir concert. It always helps me get in the spirit of Christmas.

Due to a crazy schedule, we were unable to work on our life cycle unit. I will wrap it up this week for certain, so we can start our Gingerbread and Christmas unit next week.

The year is going by so fast. I can't believe it is almost halfway through. Please keep working with your child at home, it is making a big difference. The kids are becoming more and more confident in their abilities as students. They are a joy each day.

Thank you to those that sent Emergency Kits to school already. They are helping to put my mind at ease.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 3, 2012

We will be going to the Santa's Secret Shoppe on Tuesday afternoon. If you would like for your child to purchase Christmas gifts there, please send the envelope I sent home last week filled out with money sealed inside (or a blank one with amounts they can spend on each person) bast to school on TUESDAY. I will be in SLC for some meetings on Tuesday and I will leave instructions for the sub to collect the envelopes in the morning. The PTA will assist your child in making their purchases that afternoon. I have an alternate activity planned for those students who won't be making purchases.

On a side note, I have discovered that our time is becoming short each day and I am having a hard time fitting whole class spelling practice in. They are given time to practice their spelling words during the time when I teach small reading groups. Please make sure that your child is practicing their spelling words each night at home. That will help me and your child a lot.