We will be going to the Santa's Secret Shoppe on Tuesday afternoon. If you would like for your child to purchase Christmas gifts there, please send the envelope I sent home last week filled out with money sealed inside (or a blank one with amounts they can spend on each person) bast to school on TUESDAY. I will be in SLC for some meetings on Tuesday and I will leave instructions for the sub to collect the envelopes in the morning. The PTA will assist your child in making their purchases that afternoon. I have an alternate activity planned for those students who won't be making purchases.
On a side note, I have discovered that our time is becoming short each day and I am having a hard time fitting whole class spelling practice in. They are given time to practice their spelling words during the time when I teach small reading groups. Please make sure that your child is practicing their spelling words each night at home. That will help me and your child a lot.