Friday, October 15, 2010

Newsletter, October 15, 2010

Theme: Pumpkins

Important Dates: 10/18-10-20 Walk Safe Week, 10/21-10/22 Fall Recess (NO SCHOOL), 10/25 Harvest Holiday (NO SCHOOL), 10/22 Oct Book Orders Due, 10/26 Red Ribbon Week10/29 Halloween Party, 11/1 October Reading Calendars Due

Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Addition Facts: Adding 1; P.E.
Tuesday: Addition Facts: Adding 1; Art
Wednesday: Estimating and Measuring Length Using Nonstandard Units: Math Test; Early Out
Thursday: NO SCHOOL

Spelling Words: none


Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes.

Mr. Whittier is going to allow the students to wear their Halloween costumes to school on the 29th. Please make sure that they follow the guidelines you received either by note or email from him. If you have any questions, please contact the school.