Friday, October 8, 2010

Newsletter, October 8, 2010

Theme: Pumpkins

Important Dates: 10/14 Domino's Pizza Fundraiser, 10/15 Pumpkin Patch Field Trip, 10/18-10-20 Walk Safe Week, 10/21-10/22 Fall Recess (NO SCHOOL), 10/25 Harvest Holiday (NO SCHOOL), 10/22 Oct Book Orders Due, 10/20 Halloween Party, 11/1 October Reading Calendars Due

Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Ordering Numbers to 20; P.E.
Tuesday: Writing Number Sentences for "Some, Some Went Away" Stories; Art
Wednesday: Counting Backward fro 10 to 1, Adding 1 to a Number; Early Out
Thursday: Identifying: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night: Fact Test; Spelling Test; P.E.
Friday: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip; Computers; Spirit Day (wear your school colors)

Spelling Words: in, come, said, let, house, no


Thank you for the help with the "silly bands." (I just learned what they are called.) They have stopped being such a disruption.

Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes.

Thank you ALL for coming in to visit with me during SEP's. I enjoyed visiting with you.