Monday, November 22, 2010

Newsletter, November 23, 2010

Theme: Movement and Motion

Important Dates: 11/24-11/26 NO SCHOOL, 12/1 December Reading Calendars Due, 12/2 Santa Shop, 12/ 9 Domino's Pizza Party, 12/20-12/31 NO SCHOOL, 1/14 DIBELs Testing

Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Drawing a Line of Symmetry; Fact Test; P.E.
Tuesday: Identifying Even and Odd Numbers; Art
Wednesday: Numbering a Clockface; Showing Time to the Hour on a Clock; Early Out
Thursday: Adding 2 to an Even Number; P.E.
Friday: Estimating and Measuring the Capacity of Containers Using Nonstandard Units; Math Test; Spelling Test; Spelling Packet and Sentences Due; Library; Computers; Spirit Day

Spelling Words:
hot, when, your, go, look, say, that, Wednesday*
*bonus word

Please have your child write 2 sentences instead of one this week. They need to be related in some way. ie "I have a dog. His name is Max."

Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes. Each month needs to have a total of 400 minutes. PLEASE READ EACH WEEKDAY OF THE HOLIDAY, that way your child will still earn 400 minutes and be able to attend the reading incentive party.

The December Book Orders are due Wednesday December 1. If our class has a $40 order on the Holiday Gifts order, we will have a chance to win an ipad. We won't be the first in the school anymore (4th grade received a grant for one), but it would still be a great addition to our classroom. This order SHOULD be here before the Christmas break, if you would like to give any books as a gift, just let me know. I'm great a keeping secrets.

With the weather getting colder, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately. Mr. Whittier feels strongly that the students need to spend as much time outside during recesses as possible, even if it is cold outside.