Theme: Rocks
Important Dates: 11/8 McDonald's Fundraiser, 11/10 Domino's Fundraiser, 11/17 November Book Orders Due, 11/24-26 NO SCHOOL, 12/1 December Reading Calendars Due, 12/10 DIBELs Testing
Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Counting Dimes; P.E.
Tuesday: Counting by 2's; Art
Wednesday: Telling Time to the Hour; Early Out
Thursday: Subtraction Facts: Subtracting 0 and Subtracting a Number from Itself; P.E.
Friday: Spelling Packet & Sentences Due; Math Test; Identifying Identical Designs; Spelling Test; Computers; Library; Spirit Day
Spelling Words: review of past weeks.
on, this, ran, can't, keep, if, Monday*
*bonus word
Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes. Each month needs to have a total of 400 minutes
We had a great time at the Wizard of Oz. You should be proud of your child. They were very respectful of the students performing and were silent walking in their halls to not disturb the other students while they were in class. (They did a better job that some fifth graders!) Make sure to tell them they were a great audience.
With the weather getting colder, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately. Mr. Whittier feels strongly that the students need to spend as much time outside during recesses as possible, even if it is cold outside.