Friday, February 25, 2011

Newsletter, February 25, 2011

Theme: Spring

Important Dates: 3/2 February Reading Calendars Due; 3/2 Dr. Seuss Read-a-Thon; 3/4 February Reading Incentive Party; 3/7-3/11 SEP Conferences (out at 2:30 all week); 3/15 Spring Picture Day; Domino's Pizza Fundraiser; 3/18 End of 3rd Quarter

Peek at Next Week:
Monday: Counting Nickels; P.E.
Tuesday: Counting Nickels and Pennies; Art
Wednesday: Ordering Events by Time; Early Out
Thursday: Subtraction Facts: Subtracting a Number from 10; P.E.
Friday: Math Test; Making an Organized List to Solve a Problem; Spelling Test; Spelling Packets Due; Library; Computers; Spirit Day

Spelling Words:
came, his, ask, found, fall, draw, ate, out
*bonus word


I won't be here the next two Fridays (2/25 or 3/4). I will send their spelling packets and weekly notes home on the following Monday. Thanks

Please remember that our Library day is on Fridays. There are a lot of students that haven't been bringing their books back, and haven't been able to get a new one.

Don't forget to read each night for 20 minutes. Each month needs to have a total of 400 minutes. Students also need to keep reading each night regardless of when in the month the goal is met.

There are still students coming to school not dressed appropriately for the weather. PLEASE send your child with a COAT. Mr. Whittier likes for the students to be outside for recess if at all possible, even when it is cold outside. They need the break with the fresh air and sunshine! It helps them be ready to learn. If they are cold because they don't have a coat, they are miserable.