Wow, it has been a busy first few days. We are starting to settle into a routine and we are all feeling more comfortable around each other.
This week we started learning our Math and Spelling routines, and next week we will be jumping into writing.
Please check your child's backpack each night for their red homework folder. Take out any papers in the "keep at home" side and help your child complete anything in the "return to school" side so they can turn it in the next day at school.
Our class is fairly large this year, please be patient with me as I adjust some things to better meet our class.
Thank you for everyone who have purchased supplies and have volunteered time, you will truly make this a great year.
I will be sharing with you soon how to access our math program online, and will be posting the dates each lesson is taught just as soon as I figure out what our teaching pace will be.
Thank you for allowing me to teach your children, it is going to be a great year!